Welcome to AfroHair.nl! Your Paradise for Afro Hair Care!
For several years now we have been proudly located in Amsterdam, Kraaiennest, where we have a vibrant...
community of beauty and self-expression.
Afro Hair Care for Everyone!
Whether you have curly or wavy hair, are looking for the best children's products or a
gentleman looking for the best hair care - at Afro Hair we have something for everyone! Our
carefully curated collection includes hair and skin care products for all
ages and genders.
Online Adventure:
We have enthusiastically expanded our territory into the digital domain with our
online webshop, next to our branch in Amsterdam. We believe this new adventure
offers us the opportunity to connect with even more great people, where we
offer the same care and attention online as in our physical store.
Style and Quality for Great Prices!
We offer the best brands such as Shea Moisture, As I Am, Creme of Nature, Cantu and more
much more, at affordable and attractive prices.
Your Questions, Our Passion!
Do you have any questions about your order? Don't worry - our dedicated team is here
ready to answer all your questions! Simply contact us at
WhatsApp or send us an email.
Discover how we make it easy to enhance your daily routine with the best
Afro hair care products!
Start your hair care adventure here!